Meet Elizabeth Diaz
From: Bronx
Passion: “Helping people. If I see someone without shoes, I would go shoeless in order to help them. I love everyone and see good in everyone.”
Goals: “For my family to be happy and to have a sustainable future.”
Family: “A 1 yr 11 month daughter named Ruth Esmerald Flores.”
What do you like about Grace Outreach: “That it’s all women. I like the staff— they are strict but they do it for our own good and because they want us to succeed. Even after you get your diploma, they hold your hand. I learn a lot from the teachers and from Lisa too. I capture and apply everything. I think it’s important to have realistic goals— I learned that from Mia.”
What have you learned at GO: “To be consistent, have faith in myself and never look down on myself.”
What advice do you have for other GO students? “You have to be determined. Something will happen to get in your way, but you must overstep it, don’t give up.”